Pinker’s aim in Enlightenment Now, The
case for Reason, Science, Humanism and Progress, is “to restate the ideals
of the Enlightenment in the language and concepts of the 21st
century” and to show that those ideals have worked to enhance human

In my view
Pinker succeeds admirably in showing that for the last two and a half centuries
application of those Enlightenment ideals has enhanced individual human
flourishing. Much of the book is devoted to evidence of the massive progress
that has been made in the quality of life enjoyed by people on this planet over
that period. I recommend this book and Max Roser’s Our World in Data web site (the source of much of Pinker’s data) to
anyone who needs reminding that ‘the good old days’ were not so great.
Turning to
the future, Pinker is more of a hopeful realist than an optimist. He recognises
that “the darker sides of human nature – tribalism, authoritarianism and
magical thinking – aided by the Second Law of Thermodynamics” have potential to
push us back. In an early chapter he points out that in a world governed by
entropy and evolution, the default state of humankind is characterized by disease,
poverty and violence. A large and growing proportion of humanity have been able
to escape from the default state through ongoing adherence to the norms and
institutions fostered by the Enlightenment.
As I see it,
the prospects for further progress in human flourishing in the liberal
democracies will be strongly influenced the effectiveness of this form of
government in delivering economic policies conducive to ongoing productivity growth.
Productivity growth will obviously be required if people continue to aspire to have
higher disposable incomes, but it will also be required to generate the additional
taxation revenue needed to prevent public debt spiralling out of control. That
is because spending on social welfare programs – particularly health care and
retirement benefits - is likely to rise as the proportion of elderly people
rises. Resort to higher tax rates would be likely to have adverse effects on
incentives to work, save and invest, and thus reduce productivity growth.
Pinker notes
that with stronger safety nets in place, the poverty rate for elderly people in
the United States has plunged since the 1960s and is now below that for younger
people. However, generous safety nets have a down-side. People in the liberal
democracies face traumatic adjustments in the years ahead if governments are
unable to meet public expectations of ongoing funding of existing programs at
current levels.
recognizes low productivity growth and “authoritarian populism” as potential threats
to human progress but does not draw out the links between these threats. Most
of the populists that he is concerned about do not strike me as being
particularly authoritarian, in the sense of enforcing strict obedience to
authority. Nevertheless, they are stasists, seeking to undermine the Enlightenment
values that have enabled technological progress and international trade to
contribute massively to human flourishing since the beginning of the industrial
revolution. Pinker’s discussion of the recent causes of low productivity growth
is adequate, as far as it goes, but he fails to emphasize the potential for additional
damage to be done by populist politicians seeking to capitalise on fears of the
disruptive impacts of globalisation and technological progress.
Pinker makes
the important observation:
“A challenge
for our era is how to foster an intellectual and political culture that is
driven by reason rather than tribalism”.
He is scathing
in his description of current electoral politics:
“Here the
rules of the game are fiendishly designed to bring out the most irrational in
In support
of this assertion Pinker cites: the rational ignorance of voters; the bundling
of disparate issues to appeal to a coalition of voters with geographic, racial,
and ethnic constituencies; and media that “cover elections like horse races,
and analyse issues by pitting ideological hacks against each other in screaming
matches”. He notes:
“All these features
steer people away from reasoned analysis and towards perfervid
Pinker’s suggests
that for public discourse to become more rational, issues should be
depoliticized as much as possible. His discussion of the ways in which issues
become politicised and proposals for depoliticization of issues was covered in
my last post on the benefits of listening to opposing viewpoints. His
discussion ends by noting that the discovery of political tribalism as an
“insidious form of irrationality” is “still fresh and largely unknown”. He
appeals to readers:
long it takes, we must not let the existence of cognitive and emotional biases
or the spasms of irrationality in the political arena to discourage us from the
Enlightenment ideal of relentlessly pursuing reason and truth”.
Enlightenment ideal of relentlessly pursuing reason and truth”.
Pinker may
not sound particularly optimistic about the future of liberal democracy, but he
may well be too optimistic. Unfortunately, in addition to the irrationality he
discusses, we are also confronted by widespread failure to adhere to the norms
of self-reliance and reciprocity that underpin liberal democracy. As explained
by James Buchanan (see this post for the reference) failure of the liberal
order is becoming increasingly likely as a higher proportion of the population
becomes dependent on government and voters increasingly seek to use the
political process to obtain benefits at the expense of others.
We seem to
be heading toward what might be described as a democratic tragedy. As noted in
an earlier post, when interest groups view the coercive power of the state as a
common pool resource to be used for the benefits of their members, the adverse
impact of tax and regulation on incentives for productive activity is likely to
result in outcomes that will be detrimental for everyone. The incentives facing
individual interest groups in that situation are similar to those facing users
of common pool resources in the absence of norms of restraint.
Perhaps, as
more people come to recognize that liberal democracy is confronted by deep
problems, efforts will be made to reform political institutions to produce
better outcomes. It is not obvious how that can be achieved, but we should not
allow ignorance to prevent us from seeking solutions.
In my view Seven
Pinker is on the right track in urging people to be hopeful:
“We will
never have a perfect world, and it would be dangerous to seek one. But there is
no limit to the betterments we can attain if we continue to apply knowledge to
enhance human flourishing”.
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