This post has nothing to do with the influence of political party
machines on current election campaigns.

How could a machine programmed by humans come to threaten
human life? Some examples mentioned by Bostrom imply that it would be quite
easy for that to occur by accident. For example, a machine that was given the simple
objective of maximizing the production of paperclips could seek to acquire an
unlimited amount of physical resources and to eliminate potential threats,
including humans who are likely to try to prevent it from achieving its goal.
People like Bill Gates and Elon Musk, who could not be
viewed as technophobes, argue that the threats posed by superintelligence
should be taken seriously. That didn’t stop me asking myself why anyone in
their right mind would program a machine to maximize the number of paperclips.
Any sensible businessman would ensure that the machine was programmed with a
profit-making objective, rather than a production objective. I have to
acknowledge, however, that would still leave the problem of ensuring that the
superintelligence doesn’t use unethical means to eliminate competitors.
There is also the problem that some of the people developing
AI might be crazy, or antipathetic towards humans. For example, it does not
seem beyond the bounds of possibility that a group of extreme Greenies might
seek to develop a superintelligence that would pursue the selfless goal of
restoring the natural environment to its condition prior to the Anthropocene.
Most of Superintelligence
is devoted to a discussion of the difficulty of designing superintelligence
so that it would not be a threat to humans. While reading the book I felt that
at times I was reading about the problems of designing a god – an enormously
powerful entity that would govern our lives. For example, if the AI is given
the seemingly innocuous goal of making us all happy it might arrange for us to
have electrodes implanted in the pleasure centres of our brains, or perhaps
even upload our minds to computers and then administer the digital equivalent
of a drug to make us ecstatically happy all the time.
At other times I felt the problems being discussed were more
like those which might be involved in establishing the characteristics of a
good society. Bostrom seems to favour AI being given a goal such as maximizing
our coherent extrapolated volition (CEV). As I understand it the CEV concept
implies that if we knew more and thought faster our individual views about the
nature of a good society would converge, so that a consensus could be
discovered. The author explains that the CEV approach does not require that all
ways of life, moral codes, or personal values be blended together into a stew. The
CEV dynamic “is only supposed to act when our wishes cohere”.
The CEV concept has some appeal to me because it seems
consistent with my own efforts to describe the characteristics of a good
society in the most popular post on this blog. However, it does not require superintelligence
to identify those characteristics. It would not be difficult to establish
through existing survey methods that the vast majority of humans want to live
in peace, to have opportunities to live for a happy lives and to have some
degree of security to protect against misfortunes. The problem is in ensuring
that a superintelligence would interpret such objectives in a manner consistent
with individual human flourishing.
The main reservation I have about Superintelligence is that it does not contain much discussion about
defence against malevolent AI. As I see it, it is probably worthwhile to
undertake collaborative efforts to avoid the accidental development of machine
intelligence in ways that might not be benign. But such efforts are not likely
to prevent the AI being used unethically by people with nefarious objectives. Our
defences against cyber-attack will need to be strengthened to protect against malevolent
We need a Superintelligence dedicated to defending our individual
rights. But we should be careful what we wish for! Once upon a time, a few
centuries ago, some enlightened people set about establishing forms of government
dedicated to protecting life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We ended up
with warfare/welfare states.