It seems obvious that if we want to help anyone to achieve
their aspirations we should make an effort to find out what their aspirations
are. That is why I suggested in my last post that it would be a good idea to ask poor people about their priorities for
economic development, rather than seeking to replace the Millennium Development
Goals with another set of priorities generated by development experts and
An obvious way to proceed would be to conduct surveys to ask
people to select priorities from among the 17 goals proposed by the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals. However, I am not sure that list
is an adequate reflection of what we know about the aspirations of poor people
in developing countries.
One of the major findings of the study was that poor people
see poverty as an experience that can be escaped by individual effort,
self-reliance and initiative, rather than an identity or fate resulting from
personal characteristics (such as illiteracy). The evidence seems to support
that view. There is a lot of movement into and out of poverty and there are
typically more similarities than differences between households in poverty and
those which have escaped poverty.
The views of the poor people covered by the study often
reflect what the authors describe as “the hunger for freedom”. The concept of
freedom that people have in mind encompasses individual liberty, but it is broader than that.
It seems to be summed up in a discussion by women in Chinxe, Mexico, who said: “Freedom
means having opportunities”.
The authors present evidence that the freedoms and
opportunities that poor people value are much the same as those valued by other
humans: the freedom to speak their minds; the freedom to choose how to live
their lives according to their beliefs and desires; freedom to live with
dignity and respect (e.g. having enough money for daily expenses and not being
beaten); freedom from fear and oppression (including the right to protest and
vote); freedom of movement (including, for women, freedom from customary restrictions);
and freedom from restrictions hampering the ability of people to find work, control
their money, establish and conduct businesses, to own property and goods, and
to sell their property whenever and to whomever they choose.
The authors suggest three principles that should guide
future approaches to poverty reduction:
- All actions should seek to expand the scope for people in poverty to utilize their agency (i.e. their ability to help themselves) in both the public and private spheres.
- Actions should seek to transform markets so that poor people can access and participate in them fairly.
- Well-functioning local democracies can help poor people move out of poverty.
Unfortunately, the Open Working Group on Sustainable
Development Goals does not seem to consider any of these principles to be
sufficiently important to be reflected in future development goals.
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