A few days ago, Evan, a person who comments on Jim Belshaw’s
blog, wrote: ‘I think Ross Gittins is a good model for how to write on
economics’. That was in response to a discussion Jim and I were having about
Robert Frank’s ‘The Darwin Economy’ and the difficulty that we were experiencing
in communicating on the issue of whether the ideology of the market is having
too much influence in modern society. At least, that is my take on what the
discussion was about. Jim and I agreed with Evan that Ross does write well.
It occurred to me soon afterwards that I have been ignoring Ross
Gittins’ views on happiness for too long. Ross is the economics editor of the
Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) and the leading economic journalist in Australia
writing about happiness. When people have asked me what I think of Ross’s views
on happiness I have refrained from saying much on the grounds that I rarely buy
the SMH and haven’t read many of Ross’s columns in recent years. I can’t use the excuse any longer, however,
because I have discovered that Ross has a web site on which he posts his
columns. (I have recenly included a link to the site on this blog to encourage
myself to read his columns more regularly.)
When I looked at Ross’s site it was clear that, as well as
the happiness theme, he is sometimes still playing an old tune that I like
about the benefits of free trade. For example, one of the articles I read warns
of the dangers to the rest of the economy from attempts to shield manufacturing
industries from the consequences of the boom in the resources sector. This is
consistent with the contribution Ross has made throughout his journalistic career
in bringing good sense to public discussion of many economic issues. I have a particularly high regard for the
contribution that Ross made in earlier years in helping to improve public
understanding of the costs of high trade barriers that were supporting
inefficient resources use and unproductive work practices in this country. He
deserves a medal!
But, what about Ross’s views on happiness? It wasn’t hard to
find his review of ‘The Darwin Economy’. While well written and informative, the
review is totally uncritical. In concluding his review, Ross gives the author,
Robert Frank, the last word: ‘Frank concludes that the real reason we regulate
markets is to protect ourselves from the consequences of excessive competition’.
I was left with the impression that Ross concurs with that view.

I enjoyed reading Part I of the book, which is a discussion about
such things as the nature of happiness, the evolutionary purpose of happiness,
who is happy, whether wealth makes people happy, whether work makes them happy.
This part of the book ends with a discussion of 10 hints about how to be happy.
Perhaps it is strange for an economic journalist to be offering such advice,
but from my (fairly extensive) reading in this field I get the impression that
the advice Ross offers is based on the best research available.
Part II is comprised largely of an attack on mainstream
economics and a sermon on ecological economics, mixed up with a strong dose of
paternalism and proposals for increased government regulation. Despite all
that, Ross manages somehow to convey the impression that he is more concerned
about adulation of ‘the market’ than the actual existence of markets and
Ross seems to be particularly concerned about the tendency of
humans to over-indulge. He notes that many of us are tempted ‘to eat too much,
get too little exercise, smoke, drink too much, shop too much, save too little,
put too much on our credit cards, and work too much at the expense of our
family and other relationships’. He suggests
that ‘individuals know they have trouble controlling themselves and would
appreciate government taking temptation out of their way’.
This reminds me of a comment by the late Roger Kerr,
executive director of the New Zealand Business Roundtable, in a speech aboutthe concept of progress that he made in 2009. Roger suggested that one
consequence of the ‘fashionable academic preoccupation with happiness’ might be
for more people to adopt the view: “I’m bald, fat and grumpy. What’s the
government going to do about it?” I don’t think that is a necessary consequence
of happiness research, but it seems to me that Ross is encouraging that kind of
attitude in his paternalistic proposals. Among other things, Ross apparently wants
governments to re-regulate shopping hours, limit advertising and take action to
discourage spending on positional goods.
Ross’s presentation of his views on productivity, economic
efficiency, market preferences and regulation involve as many twists and turns
as the road from Thimphu to Punakha. At the risk of making this post
excessively long, an appropriate place to begin might be with Ross’s claim that
the regard mainstream economists have for ‘revealed preference’ – the idea that
the choices people make reveals their preferences - has somehow led them to become
‘the great facilitators and advocators of economic growth – the high priests in
the temple of Mammon’ (p 164). Economists who respect revealed preference
actually have a long tradition of opposition to proposals by economic planners to
lift savings and investment rates or give people incentives to work longer and
harder in order to raise economic growth rates. My attitude has always been
that if individuals prefer to spend rather than save or to enjoy leisure rather
that to work long hours, their choices should be respected. A substantial
component of my work involved providing advice about how governments could
facilitate economic growth, but facilitating is about removing obstacles rather
than pushing people around.
Ross makes it clear that he doesn’t see economic growth as
being able to continue indefinitely – and in this regard he sees himself as one
of history’s hastening agents (if I may borrow a phrase much used by a former
work colleague). His discussion about ecological limits to growth and the
desirability of the stationary state had me wondering how he was proposing to
stop technological progress – a major source of economic growth. Ross eventually
acknowledges that improvements in the efficiency with which resources are used
are desirable. He suggests: ‘its growth in the throughput of natural resources
we should forswear, not the rise in gross domestic product that comes from the
continued pursuit of productivity improvement’ (p 221).
However, a few pages on Ross tried to convince me that I shouldn’t
fear the end of economic growth. He states:
‘Many of the things that reduce our happiness stem from the
search for greater efficiency so as to contribute to economic growth. Easing
the efficiency imperative would be hugely liberating’ (p 229).
So, we will have productivity growth without the ‘efficiency
imperative’ of market disciplines?
Ross agonizes further about efficiency a few pages later:
‘My fear is that, were the goal of increased efficiency to
be abandoned, the motive of rolling back areas of privilege would be lost. It
would then be a matter of first in, best dressed. Workers in unprotected
industries would be obliged to continue propping up protected industries in
perpetuity, with a great likelihood that, should further difficult times
emerge, the privileged industries would be first in line for additional
assistance in the name of preserving the status quo’ (p 233).
Well put! I am glad that Ross is troubled by that thought.
The closing sentence of Ross’s book reads: ‘In the end we
are what we feel’. I think that might contain the key to the problem Ross has
in reconciling his belief that because individual humans are inherently
fallible they can’t be trusted to pursue happiness as they wish, with his admiration
for the efficiency of markets and his understanding that governments are
neither angelic nor infallible .
Our feelings are important. We obviously make ourselves
unhappy when we make bad choices. But they are our choices. The nature of
humans is such that we cannot flourish unless we have responsibility for our
own lives.